Körnerpick Quail Feed
Chicken Feed
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Complete feed for quails

Special grain mixture with beak-friendly grain size, GMO-free

Our Körnerpick Quail Feed is a complete feed with beak-friendly grains and is refined with peas. It contains a balanced mixture of nutrients that is optimised to meet the needs of quails. It is made from GMO-free ingredients and provides all the necessary vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The mix of corn, soya meal, oyster shells, millet, rapeseed oil and vegetable oil contains sufficient energy, essential fatty acids, all the important proteins and essential amino acids. The finely balanced recipe is very tasty and ensures delicious, flavoursome eggs.

During the manufacturing process, a feed structure is achieved that minimises the selective intake of individual ingredients. As a result, the quails can no longer sort their food so easily when pecking and a balanced food intake is promoted. In addition, this feed is absorbed slowly and evenly and is particularly easy to digest. The small size of the particles in the feed makes it an excellent complete feed for quails and very small chicken breeds.

The benefits at a glance:

  • GMO-free complete feed
  • with beak-friendly grain size
  • High protein & calcium content
  • Refined with peas
  • particularly tasty

Sojaextr.schrotfutter aus geschälter Saat, dampferhitzt, Stock,
Ölkuchenfutter HP extrudiert (Raps)
pšeničné otruby
lucernová múčka
Pflanzenöl roh (Soja/Raps)
Monocalcium phosphate
uhličitan vápenatý
sušené pivovarské mláto
pivné kvasnice
chlorid sodný
Sodium bicarbonate
Surový proteín20,00 %
Lyzín1,10 %
Metionín0,44 %
Surový tuk5,70 %
Surová vláknina4,40 %
Surový popol12,70 %
Vápnik3,50 %
Fosfor0,65 %
Sodík0,17 %
vitamín A (3a672a) NA9.000 I.E.
vitamín D3 (3a671) NA2.700 I.E.
Vitamín E (3a700i) NA27,00 mg
meď (3b405) (síran meďnatý pentahydrát) NA9,00 mg
oxid zinočnatý (3b603) NA54,00 mg
Železo (3b103) (síran železnatý, monohydrát) NA36,00 mg
mangán (3b502) (oxid mangánatý) NA72,00 mg
jód (3b202) (jodičnan vápenatý, bezvodý) NA0,9 mg
selén (3b801) (seleničitan sodný) NA0,30 mg
Endo-1,4 ß-Xylanase EC (4a7) ZA504 TXU
Endo-1,4 ß-Glucanase EC (4a7) ZA225 TGU
6-Phytase (EC (4a18) ZA450 FYT
Ameisensäure (1k236) TA686,00 mg
Milchsäure (1a270) TA432,00 mg
Ameisensäure als Natriumformiat (1k237i) TA346,00 mg
Citronensäure (1a330) TA1,12 mg
Propyl gallate (E 310) TA0,32 mg
Butylhydroxytoluol (BHT) (E 321) TA0,77 mg
Sepiolit (E562)341,00 mg
Canthaxanthin (2a161g) SA7,00 mg

NA = Nutričné doplnkové látky
ZA = Zoologické prísady
TA = Technologické doplnkové látky
SA = Sensory additives
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

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